Milla Jovovich and husband Paul Anderson have a family fun day and turn on the PDA while sitting on the patio at Tosconova in the Calabasas Commons. The family enjoyed a stroll through the Commons with a friend of their daughter. November 30, 2013
--------------------- MilaJovovichy su maridoPaulAndersontienenun divertidodía en familiay se conviertenen la PDAmientras está sentadoen el patio deTosconovaenCalabasasCommons.Lafamilia disfrutó deun paseo porlos campos comunescon un amigode suhija.30 de noviembre 2013
Milla Jovovich and hubby Paul Anderson took daughter Ever and a friend out for some shopping in Calabasas, on Saturday, November 30, 2013.
------------------------ MillaJovovichy su esposoPaulAnderson con su hijaEver yun amigapara ir decompras enCalabasas,elSábado, 30 de noviembre 2013.